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9:30AM & 11:00AM
SUNDAYS | Watertown
We exist to introduce people to Jesus and cultivate a community of genuine followers pursuing the way He did life.
Before we are able to get in position, practice well, and commit to the process, we must discover what purpose we have here. What is the God-specific purpose for me and my life? As Christians, we all have some in common; as in: love mercy, walk humbly, do justice. There are some main purposes that we have here on this earth. Yet, there are unique ways each of us will carry that out. Discovering that can be one of the greatest gifts we are given in Christ and on earth. Join us for "Into The Current".
Tel: (315) 788-0825
Monday - Thursday | 9am-5pm
Friday - Saturday | Closed
Sunday | 9am-12:30pm
255 Gaffney Drive
Watertown, NY 13601
Sunday Services
9:30am & 11:00am
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